Moral Cancer

Lack of integrity is consequent upon low moral standards in society. Do you stand for integrity? Do you support integrity? This is our campaign until every single citizen will understand and take a stand for integrity by being accountable in whatever they engage in. Please therefore join us in promoting an ethically upright society by buying the I Stand for INTEGRITY ribbon. The proceeds from this campaign goes to supporting youth projects such as promotion of reading culture, mentorship programs and provision of hygiene products.

I Stand For Integrity

This is a ribbon meant to promote integrity among citizens worldwide. As you support integrity as a value in society, please pin this ribbon on your shirt/blouse to show your stand publicly. You may buy it for yourself, your organization, friends, colleagues, political party and learning institutions. Proceeds will be used to fund the activities as we have stated there above.

I stand for Integrity ribbon

This is for promoting good ethics and fighting corruption. It shows you're in solidary with the Kenyans fighting corruption. The proceeds help in the same cause.


Meaning of Colors in the ribbon

Gold stands for the Integrity we are advocating for while Black stands for the lack of integrity that we're condemning, and hoping to abolish.


There is this ebook on Moral Cancer which I'd like to share. It sheds more light on how corruption has affected our society. Just click on the various links alongside, depending on which language, among the 4, you prefer.

Compass Book

This books helps children learn how to use a compass

Mappy Maria

Mappy Maria is a bold attempt to introduce maps in primary school to help children ...

Kaunti Za Kenya

Kaunti za Kenya is an exhilarating introduction to cartography to children in Kenya...

My Stern Mom

My Stern Mom is a simple guide to children on observing common mannerisms ...